When a person dies, someone has to deal with their assets and debts. If assets are held jointly this can be very straightforward but, if they are not, it is usually necessary to obtain a Grant of Probate of the Will or, if there is no Will, a Grant of Letters of Administration.
This is a formal process, obtained through the Probate Registry and it involves valuation of all the deceased's assets. Depending upon the value of the estate and who receives it, Inheritance Tax may be payable.
We can provide guidance on all aspects of this process, both in relation to the legal issues and also practical problems such as obtaining valuations, distributing the assets and even house clearances. We can offer a range of services to suit your individual needs from applying for a Grant of Representation only to dealing with all aspects of the administration of the estate.
We appreciate that bereavement is traumatic and we shall ensure that you will be dealt with professionally and sympathetically.
For further information you can read our helpful information sheet here.
Pricing structures are available for applying for the Grant only – Estates with Inheritance Tax payable, Grant only – Small Estates under £325,000 with no Inheritance Tax payable, and for Grant only – Estates over £325,000 with no Inheritance Tax payable click here, although do contact our team for more information and to discuss your requirements on 01425 610078 or 01590 689500, or via email enquiries@heppenstalls.co.uk
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