Private Client | Inheritance Tax Advice
Our Inheritance Tax advisors can help you maximise the amount you leave to your loved ones. Inheritance Tax is a tax paid on your property and belongings (estate) when you die. Some IHT has to be paid before probate is granted and the inheritance is released. With tax charged at 40% on estates worth more than £325,000 (in the 2013-14 tax year), Inheritance Tax can take a sizeable slice out of the wealth you wish to leave your family.
Your estate, for Inheritance Tax purposes includes:
Your home and any other properties you own Your possessions Bank and Building Society accounts Investments ISAs Insurance policies not paid out under trust arrangements
We can provide expert advice on the following:
Making gifts and the Tax implications Structuring your assets and drafting Wills to minimise IHT to minimise Inheritance Tax Trusts Using any available Reliefs, which allows assets to be passed free of IHT. Deeds of variation (where a will or the intestacy rules can be varied after death in order to save IHT)
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